Wednesday, May 2, 2007

johann johannsson (avant garde)

Johann johannsson's newest release, IBM1401, a user's manual was released on 4ad in 2006. It is nothing short of a masterpiece, and could be one of the greatest works to be released in the avant-garde, post-modern world in years.

The album takes you on a cinematic journey. I cannot think of anything off hand to compare this to, and I don't think I would want to. It is in a similar vein of Max Richter, combining found sounds and voices with beautiful string arrangements. The mood is never quite totally set...there are moments of romance, desire, loss, sadness and fear but there is never a time when a particular emotion is so overwhelming that you can't decide for yourself what to feel.

There is a sixty piece string orchestra behind all of this beautiful sound, as well as a 30+ year old reel to reel tape of an IBM mainframe system that Johannsson's father originally recorded. There are bits and pieces of minimalism thrown in to give you down town between movements as well.

I could not suggest this album highly enough. I won't be taking it out of rotation for awhile. It is simply breath taking, and one of the most beautiful works I personally have heard in years.

Listen to samples here

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