Friday, May 4, 2007

Thank God for Post Rock

I'm not a fan of constantly trying to label music, but I think calling all of this post-rock seems to let most people know what I'm talking about up front. This post is basically nothing more than a list of post-rock groups I enjoy and some albums from them I particularly like. If you know of others not listed, please feel free to suggest more in comments. With this list, I am in no way attempting to be an expert on this field of music.

  • Dirty Three - Cinder
  • Do Make Say Think - you, you're a history in rust
  • Esmerine - Aurora
  • Explosions in the Sky - how strange innocence, those who tell the truth
  • Godspeed You! Black Emperor - Infinity F#A#, Slow Riot for New Zero Kanada
  • Jackie O' Motherfucker
  • Japancakes - The Sleepy Strange, Waking Hours
  • Jesu - Silver EP
  • Kayo Dot
  • Labradford
  • Mogwai - Rock Action
  • Mono - You are There, Under the Pipal Tree
  • Pelican - Australasia, Pelican
  • Red Sparowes - Every Red Heart Shines Towards The Red Sun
  • Silver Mt Zion
  • Sparrows Swarm & Sing - Untitled II
  • Stars of the Lid - The Tired Sounds of, and their refinement of the decline
  • Tristeza - Dream Signals, Spine & Sensory

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